Sunday, 10 May 2015 05:20

Getting Organised Featured

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To organise is to arrange systematically, to put in order, to coordinate the activities of (a person or group) efficiently. To organise is to make arrangements or preparations for (an event or activity). To organise is to form, to arrange methodically or in order, to provide with an organic

structure. To organise is to take something that is messy, chaotic, or unordered and rearranged it logically, into a structured or coherent layout, or into specific and or defined groups.

Being Organised in simplest terms, is being able to easily locate your possessions, material or informational without putting in a lot of effort; and being able to set them back as needed, just as easily enough. In other words, being organised is a state of being in control; in control of your space and time.

I don’t know what is in a mess in your life. Maybe it is your mind, your house, your desk and your relationships. Getting and staying organise is not about perfection. It saves time; it removes anxiety and makes you to be in control. There is a whole list of activities in life you must be organised. You need to be organised in your emotions as well so you can stay in line and make the best of your life.

If your life is really disorganise and you intend to get organise then you need to understand that it might take time to be completely and totally organise. You need to take little steps in getting organise. These little steps will enable you to form the habit and as you continue to grow in the habit it will start becoming part of your composition. It will become natural and a time will come when you won’t even think of getting organise because automatically you will be organised. I don’t recommend trying to get organised all in one shot. It’s overwhelming. Instead, start with the first habit, and work your way down. Do it a little at a time, one area of your life at a time, one area of your home or office at a time. Work on a habit for a month or so, then move on to the next one.

When your life is full with mess you become messy. It is important to understand that clutters will clutter your brain and you won’t be able to think things properly. This can affect your efficiency so it is very important in life to stay organise and be on top of things in your life. You must be prepared to give you the freedom to be free, where you live life to the utmost best without any self-imposed limitations. You don’t want a messy life; you want that free air which will give you a fresh breath.

The mistake most people make when trying to organize their stuff or their tasks or their projects is that they have a whole mess of things to organize, and it’s too complicated. If you have a closet crammed full of stuff, sure, you can buy a bunch of closet organizers, but in the end, you’ll still have a closet crammed full of stuff. Same thing with time management: you can organize a packed schedule, but it’ll still be crammed full of tasks. The solution: reduce, eliminate, simplify.

We want to get organised and reduce stress, but the truth is that our stress is keeping us from getting organised. Once we take that step to get organised we will be taking steps to reduce stress. Feeling “stressed” is a common complaint these days in fact, many people have started to think of stress as an unavoidable part of life, they think it is normal to be stressed. Before we actually get organised let’s stop and think about how many of your “stressors” are rooted in poor organizational habits. Disorganization puts tremendous pressure on both the mind and the body and just taking the time to organize your life can lift a great weight off of your shoulders.

To get organised you need RES (reduce, eliminate and simplify).

If you take your closet full of 100 things and throw out all but the 10 things you love and use, now you don’t need a fancy closet organizer. Same thing with time management: if you have 20 things to do today, and reduce it to just the three most important tasks, you don’t need a schedule anymore. Take everything out of a closet or drawer or other container (including your schedule), clean it out, and only put back those items you truly love and really use on a regular basis. This will leave you with a pile of other stuff which you must get rid of by tossing it, donating it, selling it or giving it to somebody who will love it. If you can’t bear to part with some of the stuff, put it in a “maybe” box and store it in your attic or basement or other storage space. Label it with a description and date, and six months later, when you haven’t needed any of it, toss it.

One of the biggest hindrances in reducing stuff is letting go. Many of us hold tight to things that are not important anymore because we want to keep the history. The more memorabilia we have the more cluttered our mind and space will be so you need to really detach and let go. There are relationships that have cluttered your life that need to be removed and toss away. I might sound mean by saying this but you know it is the truth. Being in that acidic relationship has done more harm to you mentally, emotionally and physically and yet you have refused to let go. You have done all you can to save the relationship and it is not working rather you are dying slowly. You don’t have to die, you can have a break or you can breakup. This is what it means to eliminate. There are certain things in your life you must get rid of, you must remove so you have a chance of survival.

You need enough space in your mind so your mind can work for you. Stop cluttering your mind with messy information. You need your mind to think and not as a storage. Instead of using your mind as storage for things you need to remember, write it down. The good thing about technology today is the fact that I don’t have to carry a note pad and a pen anywhere I go because I have these Apps in my mobile phone which enables me to write things down immediately so I don’t forget and also it enables me to give my mind the advantage to work best for me.

By careful editing of your life, and changing certain habits, you can eliminate most (not all) sources of stress in your life. I don’t believe that a stress-free life is possible. Stress is a response to challenges in life, and a life without challenges is too boring to contemplate. However, I do believe that most of the stress in our lives is unnecessary, and that it can be eliminated by taking some simple (and some not-so-simple) steps. It can’t be accomplished overnight.

Simplifying doesn't need to be complicated. Learning to create a quieter, more balanced space in your life can help immensely, and taking little steps is the best way to make it happen. Eliminating clutter, getting organized, simplifying your relationships, and learning to take the time to slow down and appreciate those little things can help to keep you sane. You need to slow down and enjoy things that really matter. As stress has been linked to more diseases, obesity and a variety of addictions, if you live a stressful life you may be told you need to simplify your life. What this means is to attempt through organization to cut down on things that make your life more complicated. To simplify your life, you may need to apply the process of organization not just to housecleaning, but to social aspects of your life, relationships, and career. You need to simplify your life at home, at work and in relationships and the society. Don’t make things complicated.

Simplify Let It Go Reduce Eliminate Make It Work Balance Pamper Live With Joy Take Time Relax Refocus Live Simply Renew Enjoy Life Laugh Love Dance Giggle Smile Simplify.


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